James Lents directed the environmental policy related programs at the University of California at Riverside for 8 years. He has over 27 years experience directing air quality programs in Tennessee, Colorado, and the internationally recognized program in Southern California. He holds a Ph.D. and MS degree in Physics and a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering from the University of Tennessee. He has conducted educational programs for policymakers worldwide on innovative environmental solutions. His recent research includes market-based approaches to improve air quality, mobile source impacts, and distributed generation. He is an acknowledged world leader in environmental policy. |
Mike has over 30 years of experience in the Refining, Petrochemical, Environmental and Power Generation businesses holding a BS degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Houston, and an Executive Management Program Certificate from UCLA. Mike has served as the Executive Director for the Watson Cogeneration Company, Plant Manager for the ARCO, Los Angeles Coke and Calciner Company, Manager of Process Operations for the ARCO refinery in Los Angeles, and Public Issues, Crude Oil Supply, and Strategic Planning Manager for the ARCO corporation. Mike has worked with ISSRC on projects in Kazakhstan and Brazil, and served as the project manager for an extensive environmental audit in South Africa of two world class coal to liquids plants. He has consulted on the rebuilding process for a refinery in Louisiana and has served as a refining process environmental and safety trainer for Project Management, Incorporated. |
Mauricio Osses serves as a senior researcher carrying out transportation studies and urban sustainability research at ISSRC. In addition to his work at ISSRC, Mauricio Osses serves as an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Chile. He holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering (University of Chile) and a PhD degree on emissions from internal combustion engines (University of Leeds, U.K.). The current research and professional activities of Dr. Osses are focused on emission inventories from mobile sources, experimental measurements of vehicle emissions for the development of emission factors, pollutant reduction technologies, urban traffic activity and driving dynamics, impact of fuel composition on vehicle emissions, alternate fuels, modeling of vehicle emissions under urban conditions and their connection with air dispersion models. Dr. Osses has served on several transportation-emissions related programs for the Chilean Government, World Bank and World Resources Institute. Current international activities include involvement in the International Vehicle Emission Model (IVE); principal investigator for one of the Advanced Institute programs on Urbanization, Emissions and the Global Carbon Cycle funded by START; and research activities in South America through the Inter American Institute for Global Change Research. |
Sebastian Tolvett works for ISSRC as a mobile source emissions researcher. He has extensive experience in the areas of mobile source testing, data analysis, and modeling. He has participated in the emissions testing of over 400 vehicles in 7 different cities around the world (Beijing, Bogota, Istanbul, Mexico City, Santiago, São Paulo, and Xi'an). Sebastian is an expert in emissions modeling and has a comprehensive knowledge of the IVE Model, COPERT IV, and Mobile 6. Sebastian holds a Mechanical Engineer title from the University of Chile where he is also a Master in Mechanical Engineering candidate. During his 5 years of experience in this field, Sebastian has not only worked on several mobile source projects, but he also has taught mobile source emissions courses at the University of Chile.
Rachel Maurer is a graduate of Pepperdine University where she majored in Communications. She has spent the past 2 years working for ISSRC as the logistics supervisor and she also acts as the personal assistant to President, Jim Lents. |
Nick Nikkila has over 26 years of experience resolving air quality issues at the local, state, national, and international levels. Nick served as the director of the air quality programs in Missouri and Oregon, and was a Deputy Director of the Southern California program. During his tenure as a state air director, Nick served as the president of the national association of state air directors (STAPPA) and, in that capacity, was an active participant in the discussions leading up to the 1990 reauthorization of the Clean Air Act. Nick directed air quality programs for the North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation, designing solutions to address Canada-United States-Mexico environmental issues. His recent research includes emissions inventory development, environmental impact studies, and regulatory processes. |
Marc Lents is an expert programmer with experience in PHP, JavaScript, MySql, Java, and C/C++. Marc developed and programmed multiple database systems to manage Los Angeles industrial waste data and has completed firmware programming for digital radio communications, a vehicle emission model for developing countries, and Website development for the University of California/Riverside and GSSR. Firms for which Marc has done work include University of California at Riverside, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts, and Nieto & Sons Environmental Management. Marc holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from California Polytechnic University, Pomona. In addition, Marc writes for and directs From the Heart, a performing arts group that presents theatrical productions on a wide range of social awareness and personal growth issues. |
Dan Shewmaker, Shewmaker Motion Graphics, is an award-winning graphic artist/videographer and animator. Dan majored in communications at Pepperdine University and graphic design at California State Polytechnic University/Pomona and Art Center College of Design/Pasadena. Dan is the theatrical set designer for From the Heart performing group. |
Huan Liu serves as a senior researcher carrying out transportation studies and air quality management research at ISSRC. Huan Liu was also a post-doc researcher in University of California, Riverside, College of Engineering, Center for Environmental Research Technology (CE-CERT). She got her bachelor and PhD degrees in environmental engineering from Tsinghua University, P.R.C. Her academic focus was linking vehicle activity to vehicle emissions. From 2004, Huan Liu was involved in the IVE vehicle activity study in China and accumulated experiences in the area of vehicle activity and emission study. |
Pilar Henríquez works for ISSRC as a research engineer. She is an expert in methodologies used for emissions estimation for both area and mobile sources, and is experienced in emissions and energy analysis for the various transportation mediums. She has a comprehensive knowledge of the IVE Model and the IED emissions inventory systems. Pilar has participated in vehicle activity campaigns in Santiago, Chile and Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has participated in on-board emissions testing in Brazil, Colombia, and Santiago, Chile. Pilar holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Chile and is a fluent speaker of English and Spanish. |
Marco Martins works for ISSRC as a research engineer. He is an expert in ambient air quality and health effects analysis. In addition to his work at ISSRC, Marco carries out research at the Medical School of the University of São Paulo, Brazil. He holds a bachelor's degree in Agricultural Engineering from São Paulo State University and a Masters in Biology from São Paulo State University. Additionally Marco has a PhD in evaluation of chemical changes and health effects resulting from air pollution exposure throughout the day (University of São Paulo, Brazil) and a specialization in air pollutant collection mechanisms from Harvard School of Public Health (Department of Environmental Health). Marco's current research is focused on the assessment of health risks from emissions inventories, experimental measurements of vehicle emissions for the development of emission factors, and the health effects of different kinds of fuel including biofuel. His current international activities include involvement with the International Vehicle Emission Model (IVE Model), the International Environmental Database (IED), and further studies and research on the health risks associated with air pollutants. |